State of the VIZ blockchain
as of 13.01.2025 16:06:12 GMT


Period Accounts
In 30 days198
In 7 days161
In 1 day94
In 1 hour41
Blocks Value
Average block size114 byte
Block filling0.17%
Transactions per day1970
Network accessibility100%

The Economy

Tokens Amount, viz
Liquid 22 365 804.86
In capital 42 461 804.14
DAO Fund 14 108 849.73
Reward Fund 55 926.50
Total in the economy 78 992 385.22
Freezed 14 500 000.00
Summary 93 492 385.22
Emission Value
Reward Fund40%
DAO Fund40%
Fixation period28 days
Distribution recalculation04.02.25 19:08 GMT
Total per year10 512 000.00 viz

Witnesses props

Property Value
Account creation fee 1.00 viz
Account creation cost by delegating 10.00 viz
Delegation period when creating an account 30 days
Bandwidth reserve for microaccounts 0%
Maximum capital of a micro account 0.00 viz
Maximum block size 65536 byte
Additional bandwidth surcharge for each data operation in a transaction 1000%
Minimum number of tokens for delegation 1.00 viz
Minimum amount of award capital 10.00 viz
Minimum share of total social capital for a decision on request in the DAO Fund 20%
Penalty to a witness for missing a block (% of the total weight of votes for a witness) 1%
Duration of the penalty to the witness for skipping the block 1 days
Share of the emission going to the reward of the witnesses 20%
Share of the remaining emission going to the DAO Fund 50%
Period of fixation of the emission model 28 days
Minimum check amount 10.00 viz
Fee for creating request to the DAO Fund 100.00 viz
Fee for creating a paid subscription 100.00 viz
Fee for putting an account on sale 10.00 viz
Fee for putting subaccounts on sale 100.00 viz
Fee for declaring an account as a witness 10.00 viz
Number of periods (days) of capital withdraw 28
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