

No account description

Created: 30.08.2021 10:53:21

Received awards: 204 486.99 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ89uyo8rQ8h5LcBDJa7ty9qbAVMitjxUrH6UubaPoyp6ubPuHTW1 / 1
ActiveVIZ84CxTifwQbrgjsz1EveoUxZFNioi9yTJDM3YSs3UR8g7qTke8i1 / 1
RegularVIZ7sCWJ9svUgqNYLaBe2ze4eW52UwcM2NDf7sqCsJmSiJYGGxMiS1 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
50 330.83
+350 000.00
1 079.54 20%


Account Capital (viz)
+350 000.00


Witness: No

Weight of the vote for a witness: 50 331 viz

List of votes for witnesses:

Operation history

21.11.2024 06:02:30 A check for 160.89 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7xMFhpPWxbqRja2E6cbvSPPchqQCM4rFXp1TWZbNN4SRW7GvY3
21.11.2024 05:42:57 A check for 160.89 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5cVbNMgvxdWDTJHYKmkasqWMktCnW9WyveY26wLZxwGVfyRLAy
21.11.2024 04:12:51 330.83 viz received as a reward from
21.11.2024 04:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.9%
21.11.2024 01:13:06 361.11 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
20.11.2024 01:13:06 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 361.11 viz
19.11.2024 05:20:15 A check for 91.69 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5m7gczgWJag9sYPFAUMRFzjMWGKbSU3NUK9zRPZ4BPr8jZvtVu
19.11.2024 05:11:57 A check for 155.58 viz was created with a validation code VIZ8QkVhhAXZDWNyiMtkLCrmvkuVauyzyj1jMb5NJQetqwE2py4sd
19.11.2024 02:12:51 361.11 viz received as a reward from
19.11.2024 02:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.91%
19.11.2024 01:13:06 339.05 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
18.11.2024 01:13:06 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 339.05 viz
17.11.2024 06:12:18 A check for 141.86 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7PBBWG9c5vd7J6hLpqhgDHyaccnW5GiQcraDk25RDdB6jDZ6Cb
17.11.2024 02:12:51 339.05 viz received as a reward from
17.11.2024 02:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.92%
17.11.2024 01:13:06 101.61 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
16.11.2024 04:02:15 A check for 147.87 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5nhWtLoihjZ5ECUxsLBauDdxqiJNZxio3aZLonMMaefHuHU5vu
16.11.2024 03:52:06 A check for 104.04 viz was created with a validation code VIZ82bFP7UVo2AyH3eHjCQkRY6NxwYSyQQEhwp7zVyKTHCPphwWJW
16.11.2024 01:13:06 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 101.61 viz
16.11.2024 01:13:03 235.81 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
15.11.2024 20:12:51 101.61 viz received as a reward from
15.11.2024 20:12:51 Received a reward from for 12.42%
15.11.2024 07:33:18 A check for 78.50 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6AS4WBygTzed64Ad52Wn57yVrNQboNghVh3mK78GZL8VxiPQyq
15.11.2024 04:54:06 A check for 95.19 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5AijgscFvqzrsiRiEAASCZSrUkAwZpi8kqKQZMivcNhcsh5bM2
15.11.2024 04:50:54 A check for 125.53 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7Q8kc4Mfp6VQixTNEssNsQpzftcu8kAcTkSW44fJz116pdyGsD
15.11.2024 01:13:03 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 235.81 viz
15.11.2024 01:13:03 292.12 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
15.11.2024 00:12:51 207.96 viz received as a reward from
15.11.2024 00:12:51 Received a reward from for 24.16%
14.11.2024 10:12:51 27.85 viz received as a reward from
14.11.2024 10:12:51 Received a reward from for 3.33%
14.11.2024 01:13:03 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 292.12 viz
13.11.2024 05:30:36 A check for 151.35 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6Lhc1KnAeeynCwpAX9KW2PXyVJefpzxZPiBbsVsJMMsCYRTR4o
13.11.2024 05:27:12 A check for 86.60 viz was created with a validation code VIZ83bgCDhSFFGDHiSgVZnVN6Qw5bKCEJvU9ZkgbqB3GvwrYn8Lge
13.11.2024 05:12:51 292.12 viz received as a reward from
13.11.2024 05:12:51 Received a reward from for 38.22%
13.11.2024 04:38:12 A check for 151.35 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7QVUEWforDkrfxPfQphqrw9xej2w57TSdvBK3sSMdsBNRFtVi5
13.11.2024 01:13:03 402.48 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
12.11.2024 01:13:03 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 402.48 viz
11.11.2024 14:12:51 12.94 viz received as a reward from
11.11.2024 14:12:51 Received a reward from for 1.66%
11.11.2024 03:51:48 A check for 148.81 viz was created with a validation code VIZ83XDXwoPUgELrQzFNrFz7i9KmytKUqjeacL9SfVt7kFnuvsbow
11.11.2024 03:12:51 389.54 viz received as a reward from
11.11.2024 03:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.88%
11.11.2024 01:13:00 131.37 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
10.11.2024 05:38:15 A check for 151.98 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6gg6Yt3tpXr1euXujhAswnKySi3CgYXrDQM4eBoKJ9zpmkce5e
10.11.2024 05:33:57 A check for 151.98 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7HuR2AgJrorgJEa6J6QyqYiXAXuowaBdLBsSrkUhw2F5Fsbzno
10.11.2024 01:13:00 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 131.37 viz
10.11.2024 01:13:00 358.87 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
09.11.2024 13:12:51 131.37 viz received as a reward from
09.11.2024 13:12:51 Received a reward from for 15.83%
09.11.2024 01:13:00 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 358.86 viz
09.11.2024 01:13:00 6.84 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
08.11.2024 22:12:51 31.90 viz received as a reward from
08.11.2024 22:12:51 Received a reward from for 4.16%
08.11.2024 06:12:51 326.96 viz received as a reward from
08.11.2024 06:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.09%
08.11.2024 04:29:42 A check for 127.27 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7YeSqiDVKH8H5a4dYeyr7wYQmonLKnuwrDVviFnq56NsFcQi6X
08.11.2024 04:27:00 A check for 100.23 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6B6w29HMNWPqeFrMa7FhNTRzGzgixJyxU1Q1bQtDGCDEjvor6v
08.11.2024 04:20:24 A check for 142.75 viz was created with a validation code VIZ77sKkftF8AjL1unUZTM51c5h4vBQvZ6jKmv7sjQzTKsg6J16Yg
08.11.2024 01:13:00 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 6.84 viz
08.11.2024 01:13:00 302.28 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
07.11.2024 20:12:51 6.84 viz received as a reward from
07.11.2024 20:12:51 Received a reward from for 0.83%
07.11.2024 01:13:00 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 302.28 viz
06.11.2024 04:54:51 A check for 58.78 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7XJAtXE9tVh5ujXSLKi9A4qq5fW4QMAi4whVmD1qeUHNLyf2PL
06.11.2024 04:41:51 A check for 152.91 viz was created with a validation code VIZ88i5mAoAKhq3JeqWX2JENYs8w5LWJXzc33b21LK2WWpVJwt3AS
06.11.2024 03:47:15 A check for 152.91 viz was created with a validation code VIZ8MSN8dsAPf7fUZsCrs67Azi6mXm9jtgGZaJ1Jbroeh6p3vHPMn
06.11.2024 02:12:51 302.28 viz received as a reward from
06.11.2024 02:12:51 Received a reward from for 39.87%
06.11.2024 01:12:57 502.44 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
05.11.2024 01:12:57 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 502.44 viz
04.11.2024 08:12:51 502.44 viz received as a reward from
04.11.2024 08:12:51 Received a reward from for 49.05%
04.11.2024 05:54:51 A check for 69.89 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7H8RsdxQ6AN5y1Z5JzEdvACEYcv7oRy2rogXVpaDv5AdTm99f3
04.11.2024 04:44:57 A check for 71.57 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6FYWviMefSpPZfEHFBWgzUbHwCA3cgArB7GM4dHoSXRxe2SavS
04.11.2024 03:55:42 A check for 110.29 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5Ltho4L8r5vehhJdfp336rwytNh2oCJypqMTo4G2NYhAPMubLC
04.11.2024 01:12:57 100.33 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
03.11.2024 06:56:15 A check for 158.15 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5URe1Px43ietrLJDCySM2muNVuGBa8BwRyxaCSrXqxbamhVJTp
03.11.2024 06:11:27 A check for 94.81 viz was created with a validation code VIZ4u9aGQqYEqMGuTXLvNf1QmaScYnW4RcdRzCuGuVUehnEFYRJZ9
03.11.2024 05:49:54 A check for 156.24 viz was created with a validation code VIZ5Y1rnZLEb664kQNyFUtS9nPuAS92BMPRL3VcgP5mVqF82mtYev
03.11.2024 01:12:57 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 100.33 viz
02.11.2024 06:12:51 100.33 viz received as a reward from
02.11.2024 06:12:51 Received a reward from for 10.83%
02.11.2024 01:12:57 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 385.72 viz
01.11.2024 14:12:51 385.72 viz received as a reward from
01.11.2024 14:12:51 Received a reward from for 35.74%
01.11.2024 05:57:45 A check for 161.74 viz was created with a validation code VIZ6my7727SHsxDBseJiCmDmxnK7JKZWTRb3otEvpMFtsYsXPwRg5
01.11.2024 01:12:54 211.45 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
31.10.2024 05:09:24 A check for 153.58 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7RdSXgo4nioFMWv8Zt9yZHjEvUHxnZoRtqMw57EHY2NWPERDJT
31.10.2024 01:12:54 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 211.45 viz
31.10.2024 01:12:54 184.84 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
30.10.2024 22:12:51 37.41 viz received as a reward from
30.10.2024 22:12:51 Received a reward from for 4.16%
30.10.2024 06:12:51 174.04 viz received as a reward from
30.10.2024 06:12:51 Received a reward from for 19.96%
30.10.2024 04:48:51 A check for 149.38 viz was created with a validation code VIZ7TW1TG4pekdWn8AQqBJmgBZt9mU3kWudQLPGGah6ten9vFkaZV
30.10.2024 01:12:54 A social capital withdraw has been initiated by the 184.84 viz
30.10.2024 01:12:54 148.98 viz received from withdrawal from social capital
30.10.2024 00:12:51 184.84 viz received as a reward from
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