Witness solox

Witness statement: 22.12.2018 19:09:51

Status: disabled

Summary weight of votes received: 312 614 viz

List of voters

vote weight: 153 334.36 viz

vote weight: 46 013.07 viz

vote weight: 39 663.30 viz

vote weight: 33 020.34 viz

vote weight: 31 816.90 viz

vote weight: 6 261.82 viz

vote weight: 1 749.47 viz

vote weight: 639.80 viz

vote weight: 73.29 viz

vote weight: 26.78 viz

vote weight: 3.84 viz

vote weight: 2.83 viz

vote weight: 2.60 viz

vote weight: 1.84 viz

vote weight: 1.01 viz

vote weight: 1.01 viz

vote weight: 1.00 viz

Voting properties

Maximum block size: 65536 byte

Account creation fee: 1.00 viz

Account creation cost by delegating: 10.00 delegated viz

Delegation period when creating an account: 30 days

Minimum number of tokens for delegation: 1.00 viz

Minimum check amount: 10.00 viz

Bandwidth reserve for microaccounts: 0%

Maximum capital of a micro account: 0.00 viz

Minimum amount of award capital: 10.00 viz

Number of periods (days) of capital withdraw: 28

Minimum share of total social capital for a decision on request in the DAO Fund: 25%

Additional bandwidth surcharge for each data operation in a transaction: 1000%

Penalty to a witness for missing a block (% of the total weight of votes for a witness): 1%

Duration of the penalty to the witness for skipping the block: 1 days

Fee for creating request to the DAO Fund: 100.00 viz

Fee for creating a paid subscription: 100.00 viz

Fee for putting an account on sale: 10.00 viz

Fee for putting subaccounts on sale: 100.00 viz

Fee for declaring an account as a witness: 10.00 viz

Distribution of the emission

Reward Fund: 40%

DAO Fund: 40%

Witnesses Fund: 20%

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