

No account description

Created: 27.04.2023 16:43:00

Received awards: 1.77 viz

Public keys

Authority type Public key Weight / threshold
MasterVIZ8cUXdYn4BxN88cFLvhqV6ZBkYViVVP5VTNtZKid679gbxoe3D21 / 1
ActiveVIZ5Cyu1cMSzkkhf2i2RtQXX2Ans2K3EpvHmcFydHYxLNfDs4aZ1D1 / 1
RegularVIZ5kYxQcZJh6ohfgzQfsTHrFKMKjQ7Qru1nqPXiLpVVt2QMvcFX11 / 1


Capital (viz) Balance Energy (%)
59.65 100%


Account Capital (viz)


Witness: No

Votes for witnesses: None

Operation history

31.12.2023 16:05:15 33.96 viz received from with memo withdraw:165237
29.09.2023 16:47:18 3.74 viz received from with memo withdraw:158417
29.09.2023 08:21:39 16.00 viz received from with memo withdraw:158286
09.09.2023 19:14:27 Rewarding for 25% with memo telegram:779656713
16.06.2023 18:59:51 Rewarding for 5% with memo channel:@CryptoStorm_Today:14
28.05.2023 20:39:00 Delegation revoked from
19.05.2023 13:26:21 Rewarding for 20% with memo telegram:258039482
19.05.2023 13:13:06 5.95 viz received from with memo withdraw:146552
19.05.2023 12:51:12 Rewarding for 25% with memo telegram:258039482
19.05.2023 12:49:03 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:38968897
19.05.2023 12:44:06 Rewarding for 5% with memo telegram:258039482
19.05.2023 12:06:45 Rewarding for 5% with memo telegram:366133090
17.05.2023 14:25:51 Rewarding for 15% with memo telegram:151842302
13.05.2023 13:46:06 Rewarding for 25% with memo telegram:583596981
05.05.2023 07:51:57 Rewarding for 10% with memo telegram:364096327
27.04.2023 19:05:12 1.77 viz received as a reward from
27.04.2023 19:05:12 Received a reward from for 0.1% with memo telegram:6113702831
27.04.2023 18:34:06 222.00 viz delegation received from
27.04.2023 18:24:18 756.00 viz delegation received from
27.04.2023 16:43:03 1.00 viz delegation received from
27.04.2023 16:43:00 Created account , delegated 10.00 viz
Русский / English